
In July of 2023, Tango Software became part of Harris Computer and their Harris Education Solutions (HES) market.  HES product lines have innovative solutions to the challenges faced by schools today.  We would love to tell you more about any of our new "sister" products.

Castle Learning: Instructional support platform for teachers with over 160,000 items
 edInsight: Data dashboard to combine all information and MTSS tools.
eDoctrina: Observations, SLO’s, Accountability, Educator Effectiveness, Curriculum, Assessments, RTI, Standards Based Report Cards, PBIS.
 eWalk: Customizable Classroom Observation & Teacher Development Solution for Any Learning Environment.
 Realtime: Student information system, including special education (504/IEP), finance, cafeteria, behavior, and medical management.
 goedustar: Comprehensive web-based student information management solution that will allow your teachers to grow, administrators to improve, parents to be informed and students to succeed.