The Learning Inventory of Need (LION) in English and Spanish (LEON), is a comprehensive, adaptive reading assessment for students grades KG – 12 (KG – 6 for Spanish). Student results include foundational skills and reading proficiency levels to assist teachers in remediation and enrichment. The complete suite of results provides teacher lesson plans, small group activities, student-based online games, and one-on-one passages for the observational teacher/student experience. A complete and comprehensive literacy RTI/MTSS tool that is based on the science of reading.
Support for House Bill 3
Support for House Bill 4545
Approved for the 2023-2027 Commissioner’s List of Approved Grade 7 Reading Instruments
Universal Screener and Assessment Focused on the Science of Reading
The Ultimate Hybrid Reading Suite
Schools don't have to decide - one-on-one vs. computer-based. LION for Reading is the best of both worlds. Time-saving benchmarks with targeted observational options - in one integrated system.
LION for Reading takes the best parts of tried-and-true reading assessments – into one reliable, valid, and powerful system that works! LION for Reading gives teachers the tools to meet students where they are – helping students succeed.

Universal Screener/Benchmark
All K - 12 Students
On/Off Grade Level
Foundation Skills

Fluency Quests
Targeted Students
Oral Reading Fluency
Skill Practice

Teacher Resources
Small Groups and Centers
Independent Student Tutorials
Appropriate for All Grade Levels

Independent Reading
Safari Library
Graphic Organizers

Progress Monitoring
Fluency Quests
Weekly Skill Checkpoints

RHINO Packets
Daily Differentiated Activities
Phonological Awareness/Phonics
Comprehension, Vocabulary, Writing, Author's Purpose
Created for Teachers
LION and LEON were developed based on feedback from 1000s of teachers, reading coaches, and administrators over the last 25 years. Each component is research-based and guided by instructional best practices.
LION for Reading Alignment to the Simple View of Reading & Scarborough’s Rope

Based on the knowledge of where a student’s “skilled reading” breaks down, LION assesses foundational skills, including those is in the decoding/word recognition and linguistic/language comprehension domains. LION for Reading will show which strands are deficient for intervention.

Engaging and Efficient
Students look forward to their next LION Expedition! Students earn stars for each completed task as they travel through their customized literacy journey. Most students complete their expedition in 30 minutes or less.

LION/LEON's diagnostic reading assessment can be administered using a web browser or iPad.
Students are led through the administration of the assessment by Sophia the safari guide.
Student audio recording is done for all reading passages and transcribed for deeper analysis.

Adaptive and Individualized
Foundational skill tasks and reading comprehension are administered to determine key areas of need and to assist teachers in providing remediation at the student’s individual skill level.
Built for Complete Alignment
5 Domains of Reading
LION/LEON assesses all of the five domains of reading (phonological awareness, phonics, spelling, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary) with an emphasis on vocabulary and word study.
State Standards
Developed from the beginning to address the student expectations found in (new) TEKS and Common Core, LION and LEON provide practical and familiar feedback and resources to assist teachers in meeting the curriculum standards set forth by their state and targeted on high-stakes assessments. NEW ELA and SLA TEKS New York Next Gen Standards Common Core Standards Let us align to your state! Contact us today.Shared Reading
LION and LEON passages are correlated to reading levels to help teachers, librarians, and parents find on level, above level, and complex reading materials for each student. LION/LEON reports include equivalent titles to engage parents and students in finding texts to encourage reading.Universal Screener
Students are quickly identified as ABOVE, AT, BUBBLE, and BELOW level for both fiction and nonfiction texts.
Fiction and Nonfiction
Students are assessed separately in fiction and nonfiction texts to ensure teachers know their students' reading levels across genres.
Response to Intervention
Students are automatically assigned an RTI tier. LION is a complete RTI solution with a benchmark, universal screener, progress monitoring, and intervention resources. LION can also be used as the literacy component of any MTSS implementation.
The Complete Literacy Solution
Teacher Tutorials
Teachers can access aligned activities and lessons from the Florida Center for Reading Research, Read-Write-Think, equivalent titles, and over 100 graphic organizers.
Student Tutorials
Students can access teacher-tested, research-based tutorial activities based on their most recent LION results. Students’ time and tasks are logged for additional RTI documentation.
Fluency Quests
Teachers can access "Fluency Quests" for a more traditional one-on-one setting with students. These reading passages can be used as a running record or simply as a tool for listening to a student's reading. All passages include comprehension/vocabulary questions and writing prompts.
RHINO Packets
RHINO Packets are 15-20 minute daily engagement activities. Lower level readers focus on phonological awareness, phonics, and word reading activities. Higher level readers have decodable texts used for prediction, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing activities.
Ready to learn more about LION?
Contact us and we will be in touch.